Charles has appeared on the following podcasts:

Podcast Released - September 8, 2024

Ordinary People Extraordinary Things

Podcast Released - August 25, 2024

Charles is scheduled to appear on the following podcasts:

Interview scheduled August 22, 2024

Interview scheduled August 26, 2024

Interview scheduled December 18, 2024


Charles Wagner of Gloucester, MA grew up in the evangelical community in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA. However, it wasn't until he experienced a spiritual awakening after twelve years of struggle in his 40s and early 50s that Charles truly understood and believed the gospel. With a new love for the God who rescued him from darkness, Charles extensively studied the Word of God cover to cover each year for several years in a row. He led his son on a six state journey serving in various charities that received coverage in the media. He preached to prisoners in the largest prison in Philadelphia, PA. He served for 18 months as a volunteer in a juvenile detention facility. He has taught adult Sunday School, led a small group Bible study, serves on the evangelism team at his church, leads the worship service from time to time, and mentors a pastor in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He is the author of five books: Take Every Thought to Prayer, Volume 1 - Prayers to Love God; Take Every Thought to Prayer, Volume 2 - Prayers to Love Our Neighbor; Take Every Passage to Prayer, Volume 2 - The Gospels; Take Every Passage to Prayer, Volume 3 - Acts Through Revelation; and the Christian fiction novel The Two Souls of Heidi Lonsberry. He is the host of The Gramazin Testimony Report on WEZE 590 AM and WROL 950 AM in Boston. He is the founder and Executive Director of Gramazin Inc., a mission to encourage believers across America to share their testimonies on the website of the church they attend.

Charles is the husband of Karen, the father of Chad and Stephanie, the father-in-law of Matthew, the grandfather of his two granddaughters, Ava and Lily, and the stepfather of Meredith and Kirsten. He is an avid walker and pickleball player, a co-songwriter with Peter Mercurio, and a faithful fan of the Philadelphia Phillies, Philadelphia Eagles, Philadelphia Flyers, and Philadelphia 76ers living in the suburbs of Boston.



  • Men's ministry events
  • Conferences
  • Retreats
  • Podcasts
  • College and university chapel services
  • Guest speaker in college classes
  • Worship services


  • I'll share my story of how God rescued me from my rebellion, depression, hospitalization for suicidal ideation, and decades of struggling with identity issues.
  • Building a culture of testimony sharing within a church.
  • Preparing and sharing your testimony about what Jesus Christ has done in your life.
  • Enhancing a believer's prayer life.
  • Overcoming chronic depression.
  • The benefits of Biblical counseling from a client's experience.
  • Embracing the gender of your birth.
  • The importance of Christian community.
  • Evangelism and local outreach.
  • Spiritual revival in America.
  • It's never too late to enter into ministry.
  • Tips for aspiring writers.
  • Rebellion, confession, repentance, and surrender.

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