One article every day from Charles Wagner's two commentaries on the New Testament.

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Take Every Passage to Prayer - Volume 2, The Gospels
26 Aug

Jesus Heals a Bloated Man

Take Every Passage to Prayer - Volume 2, The Gospels
Monday August 26, 2024

Luke 14:1-6

Father, please take away my fear of those who don’t like You. Give me confidence and courage to engage with them. There may be a dear soul among them who is open to spiritual healing. Their heart might be craving the salvation of their soul. Please help me not to cower among those who hate You but to boldly and courageously engage them so that You can use my words and actions to bring one of them to faith. Father, please also help me to not be a hypocrite. Help me to apply to myself the rules that I expect others to follow. Amen.

Father, Jesus was invited into the house of a prominent Pharisee on the Sabbath. On the surface, such an invite appears to be cordial.
“Hey, Jesus. I’d like to get to know You. Come on over for dinner.”
However, we learn from the text that Jesus was being carefully watched. The Pharisee was a leader and, as such, we can safely conclude that he orchestrated much of the resi......READ MORE.

Take Every Passage to Prayer - Volume 2, The Gospels
25 Aug

Jesus Warned About Herod

Take Every Passage to Prayer - Volume 2, The Gospels
Sunday August 25, 2024

Luke 13:31-33

Father, I ask for forgiveness for the many times that I have feared what other people could do to me. I ask for forgiveness for seeking the approval of people instead of Your approval. Please remove from my heart and mind any idolatry of people, which puts them on the throne of my life and empowers them to influence my words and actions.  Help me to be fearless like Jesus demonstrated, knowing that people cannot do anything to me that You have not planned for me to experience. Amen.

Father, “fear of man” is the human desire to receive approval and acceptance by other people. It includes the desires to be recognized and honored by those around us. It includes the fear of criticism or disapproval. It is the root thought process that makes peer pressure and “cancel culture” so powerful. For far too many people, it is more important to be accepted by other people than it is to be approved by You.<......READ MORE.

Take Every Passage to Prayer - Volume 2, The Gospels
24 Aug

The Narrow Door

Take Every Passage to Prayer - Volume 2, The Gospels
Saturday August 24, 2024

Luke 13:23-30

Father, please use me this very day to bring salvation to others. Please give me a heart that cares that many could be lost in the blink of an eye if Jesus was to come in the next five minutes. Father, give me a heart that breaks as I imagine my unsaved loved ones and friends begging for mercy after the door to heaven has been shut. Father, I want my loved ones and friends with me in heaven. Please use me in whatever way You deem necessary to bring them to faith. Amen.
Father, the text tells us that someone asked Jesus if only a few people are going to be saved. Jesus answered this question with the following lessons about salvation:

  1. The majority of people will not be saved. A gate into the yard of a private home is likely to be narrow because only one person will pass through it at any given moment. A gate into a city is likely to be broad because many people, as well as carts, are likely to pass throug......READ MORE.

Take Every Passage to Prayer - Volume 2, The Gospels
23 Aug

Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman on the Sabbath

Take Every Passage to Prayer - Volume 2, The Gospels
Friday August 23, 2024

Luke 13:10-17

Father, thank You for all You have done for me. All that You have provided. All the protection You have given me. All of the direction. I thank You for salvation itself. Father, please give me a deep joy for the gifts that You give me. Please protect my joy from those who love to be joy-killers. I also pray that You will prevent me from being a joy-killer myself. Amen.
Father, days and weeks have gone by after the encounter in Jerusalem at Solomon’s colonnade. Jesus most likely had continued to travel from village to village in the region of Perea, teaching in the synagogues, and healing people. His disciples had joined Him on the journey.
On one particular Sabbath, Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues in the region. A woman was in the synagogue who had been crippled by Satan for 18 years. She was bent over and could not straighten up.READ MORE.

Take Every Passage to Prayer - Volume 2, The Gospels
22 Aug

Jesus Teaches the Crowd in Perea

Take Every Passage to Prayer - Volume 2, The Gospels
Thursday August 22, 2024

Luke 12:1-13:9

Father, teach me. I want to be taught Your ways. I want to know Your will. I want to think like You. Please teach this disciple how to live for the Kingdom of God. Father, please protect me from being deceiv

Luke 12:1-13:9

Father, teach me. I want to be taught Your ways. I want to know Your will. I want to think like You. Please teach this disciple how to live for the Kingdom of God. Father, please protect me from being deceived by the gospel of works. It is not the true gospel. I cannot earn a good standing with You, no matter how hard I try. My hope for salvation is that Jesus has paid the penalty for my sin by His death on the cross, receiving the punishment I deserved. However, now that I am saved, help me to share my faith with others and give me the words to say. Help me to do the good works that give You honor and glory. Father, forgive me for being greedy and for worrying. I want to be generous with others. I al......READ MORE.

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