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Charles Wagner recorded 68 short audios about testimony sharing from Rockport, MA in 2017. Enjoy the audios below as well as PDF files of his adult Sunday School class on testimonies in the Fall of 2022.


1. Introduction

There is a story in your life about what Jesus Christ has done for you that is worth sharing.


2. Every Tongue Will Confess - Part 1

Charles Wagner had no interest in sharing his testimony throughout most of his life. God has since changed his mind.


3. Every Tongue Will Confess - Part 2

It is inevitable. You will confess with your mouth, in front of others, that Jesus Christ is Lord. You can put it off until later but now is the time your neighbors need to hear it.


4. 5 Key Elements of a Testimony

Charles explores what are the five key elements of an effective and powerful testimony.


5. 8 Reasons Why a Testimony Shy Church Culture is Not Good

Charles studied over 2,000 church websites and learned about the reluctance of the church to share testimonies. He identified 8 reasons that this is not a good thing at all.


6. Your Testimony is a Gift of Appreciation to Your Pastor

Charles discusses various reasons why your testimony is a gift of appreciation to your church leadership.


7. Why Adversity is Essential to Our Testimonies

Charles shares his own story of adversity and why adversity is so essential to our testimonies.


8. Tell Others About Miraculous Answers to Prayer

Charles shares two personal stories of incredible answer to prayer. They are now a part of his testimony.


9. Turn Strangers Into Friends With Your Testimony

We worship with strangers in our church. We don't know their needs. Testimony sharing draws people into conversation with us about shared experience. It builds church unity.


10. People With Perfect Lives Have Testimonies Too

A testimony of a blessed life for walking with God is an example for all of us to follow.


11. Tell Others About God Has Called You

The story of how you got involved in ministry is a testimony of how God can call others as well.


12. Sharing Your Testimony With a Church You are Leaving

You have shared your testimony with a church. You are now thinking of changing churches. What do you do?


13. We Are Not Loners

We were never intended to walk through our Christian life independently. Community is essential for us and testimonies build communities.


14. Is Your Testimony About Circumstances?

Is your testimony about God rescuing you from circumstances or is it about other more important things?


15. We Are Rebels From God

We need to confess our rebellion from God, and to repent from it, and to put God on the throne of our lives before we can expect to have a powerful testimony.


16. Adversity and Testimonies

God uses adversity to wake us up that we are not God. He then uses the testimonies of His deliverance in our lives as critical tools in His toolbox to bring about spiritual revival in this world.


17. Testimony Sharing Fits in With Church Messaging

An analysis of the themes and messaging on hundreds of church websites reveals that church leaders are shouting for believers to share their testimonies, even if they don't realize it.


18. Our Testimony Defeats Satan

Satan is our accuser before God. Our testimony is the pardon God can show Satan that our lives have been redeemed by Jesus Christ.


19. Jesus On Trial - Part 1

Imagine Jesus is on trial. Our testimony is evidence for the defense, proof that Jesus Christ really does change lives in the 21st Century.


20. Jesus On Trial - Part 2

Imagine Jesus is on trial. Our testimony is evidence for the defense, proof that Jesus Christ really does change lives in the 21st Century.


21. Testimonies for Discipleship

Many people believe testimonies are useful just for evangelism. They are also useful for mentoring other believers in their walk with God.


22. John the Baptist Asked for Testimonies

When John the Baptist was in prison, he asked for evidence that Jesus Christ really was the Messiah. Jesus sent word that He was changing lives. Essentially, Jesus sent testimonies.


23. Why Are People Reluctant to Share Their Testimonies?

There are many reasons and, except for the witness protection program, few of them are valid.


24. Coming Back to the Church

Many people become disillusioned with the church and leave. Years later, after Jesus changed their heart, they return. Is that your story? That's a story we need to hear.


25. Spiritual Checkup

The preparation of your testimony is an opportunity to look in the mirror and have a spiritual checkup.


26. The Great Commission is Personal

Jesus didn't call everyone else but not you to disciple others. You have a job to do and sharing your testimony is a part of that.


27. Ungrateful?

If you are grumbling about the circumstances of your life, this is not the time to either prepare your testimony or to share it.


28. Receiving Praise?

If you are receiving many compliments, affirmations, and much praise, now is the time to tell everyone how Jesus deserves all the credit for it.


29. The Heroic Human Spirit

We were created to accomplish heroic deeds that give glory to God the Father. Tell us about your story.


30. Testimony Ideas - Part 1

Are you looking for ideas for how to prepare your testimony? Check out this audio.


31. Testimony Ideas - Part 2

Are you looking for ideas for how to prepare your testimony? Check out this audio.


32. Imitate Paul

Paul told others to imitate him. If you have been faithful to obey God and honor Him, tell us about it so we can do the same.


33. Tell Us About the Impossible

We need stories of God doing the impossible in people's lives. If you have that kind of story, we need to hear it.


34. Church Websites

Believers need to share their testimonies on their church websites so their neighbors know where true hope resides in the community.


35. The Kidnapping

Are you grateful to be saved? People more than ever need to hear your joy and excitement for salvation.


36. The Story Teller

God is the King of story telling. He has written mysteries, romance, adventure, drama, and even comedy into people's lives. Let's hear His stories.


37. People Thirsting for Hope

Imagine hundreds of people in your community who are thirsting for hope. Your testimony is the life giving water they need. Will you deny them?


38. Testimonies Shared in Church

Testimonies are also to be heard in the assembly and in the congregation. Believers need to hear them just as much as unbelievers.


39. Me Too! - Part 1

There are many people who don't feel that they fit in. Has that been your experience? Give the same people hope by sharing your testimony of how much God loves you.


40. Me Too! - Part 2

There are many people who don't feel that they fit in. Has that been your experience? Give the same people hope by sharing your testimony of how much God loves you.


41. The Next Generation

Share your testimony with the younger generation. Share the wisdom you have gained from your life experiences with those who have yet to experience them.


42. Who Owns Your Testimony?

Your testimony is not yours to do with as you please. Your testimony is owned by God and you are to use it as He instructs you too. Are you listening?


43. Four Percent

We are realistic. Despite all of our efforts, we know the vast majority of believers will continue to hesitate to prepare and share their testimony. Our goal is 4% of believers in every church.


44. "I Can't Change!"

Many people believe they cannot change. Your testimony is evidence that Jesus Christ really does change lives in the 21st century.


45. Perseverance

Your testimony can be an inspiring example of perseverance in the belief that God is always good.


46. After Your Testimony

Your testimony is prepared and shared. Now what? Pray that God will use it to touch lives for Christ.


47. Look for Inspiration

There may be just the right moment to prepare your testimony. Be watching and listening for divine inspiration.


48. Testimonies and Life's Routine

Be alert for the divine appointment to share your testimony in the midst of the routine of life.


49. Anonymous Testimonies

Don't let legitimate privacy concerns prevent you from sharing your testimony. Be anonymous if you need to be. Just share!


50. Find Quiet Time

A useful testimony is unlikely to be prepared in the midst of the noise of life. Find some quiet time where the Holy Spirit has your full attention and inspires you to prepare your testimony.


51. Deep Waters

We don't know ourselves as much as we think. Share with us when someone made you aware of something about yourself you hadn't known before.


52. Your Future Self

Consider the possibility that the person who most benefits from your testimony is your future self.


53. A Safe Place to Share

Are you terrified of sharing your testimony on the street corner? Everyone is. A safe alternative is your church website.


54. Afraid of Persecution

Persecution for sharing your faith is likely, if not certain. Be courageous and do what is right anyway.


55. A Public Statement

If we acknowledge Christ before others publicly, Christ will acknowledge us before the Father.


56. Prove Biblical Wisdom

There is so much wisdom in the Bible. Tell us of a time when you experienced firsthand the accuracy of wisdom found in the Word of God.


57. Inspire Followers

When you share your testimony you inspire others to do the same. You put in motion something in their hearts that may one day lead them to have the same courage as you.


58. Testimony Formats

What is the best format for your testimony?


59. Satan Will Attack You

If you are going to share a testimony that honors Jesus Christ, you can be certain Satan will try to discourage you.


60. A Testimony is Never Finished

Your testimony is always evolving and changing. It is fluid because there are more lessons you will learn in life about God's awesome nature. Expect to revise your testimony several times.


63. You Are Unique

There is no one else like you in the history of the world. Tell us how Jesus Christ has touched your life because everyone else is unique too.


64. What Have We Been Saved From?

When we think of what we would experience in hell if it weren't for Jesus Christ, we have much to be thankful for. Our testimony should be bursting with joy.


65. Where Do People Turn Without Testimonies?

If believers don't share their testimonies, those who are seeking for answers may find false solutions elsewhere.


66. Where Do You Share Your Testimony?

Your testimony can be shared in more places than just a one-time special event.


67. WWJS?

If you were to ask Jesus if you should share your testimony, what would Jesus say?


68. Closing Prayer

Charles Wagner concludes our study of testimonies with a closing prayer.

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